University of Pittsburgh

Center for Excellence in Behavioral Medicine

Mission Statement

The Center for Excellence in Behavioral Medicine works closely with an interdisciplinary team and is focused on the development and integration of behavioral and biomedical knowledge and techniques, relevant to health and illness, as well as its application to prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation. 

The goals of the Center include:

Promoting the integration of clinical services, training, and research

Advancing research to facilitate the understanding of the association between psychological, social, behavioral, and biological factors that may influence the disease and health

Integrating assessment and treatment of behaviors and psychiatric symptoms, that have been demonstrated to increase morbidity and mortality, into routine medical care

Offering interdisciplinary training opportunities across disciplines


Develop screening of psychosocial or behavioral factors associated with increased morbidity and mortality (e.g., depression, sleep, tobacco use, PTSD) across chronic diseases

Facilitating the measurement and analysis of patient-generated behavioral, psychosocial, biological, genetic, and health-related data

     Tracking, scoring, and psychometric analysis of instruments

     Database development and essential statistical support

Designing and piloting behavioral and psychosocial interventions across chronic disease sites

Assisting with the development of grants to obtain funding for behavioral medicine-related research

Supporting the development of clinical trials with Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs)

Facilitating research related to the sociocultural determinants of health

Clinical (individual and group outpatient, consultation liaison, telemedicine)

Evaluating health behaviors (e.g., substance use, physical activity) and using evidence-based treatments to improve health

Reducing psychological (e.g., depression) and behavioral problems (e.g., nonadherence) that may interfere with health and the treatment of chronic conditions

Assessment and treatment of family caregivers who provide support and care to patients with chronic disease

Management of symptoms associated with chronic illness

Appraisal of psychosocial issues and interventions to improve access to healthcare